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We have proven methods to get our clients in Salt Lake City the best deals on their auto policies.

Car insurance companies for any budget

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Auto insurance brokerage

At our insurance brokerage agency in Salt Lake City price and coverage matter. We feel that education is key when it comes to insurance and any financial decision for that matter.


We have many different resources to help make sure you are getting the best home and auto insurance for the best price no matter what your situation is. Click here for details.

Video introduction to our car insurance in Salt Lake City, UT page

Our insurance brokerage has a mission of being transparent and competitive. We believe that everyone should save money on car insurance without having to go through the hassle. See the video below as Adam, agent owner of Blue Bridge, explains how we can help get our clients competitive car insurance rates in the Salt Lake City area.

Don't waste money when insuring your car in Salt Lake City.

There are many ways to save money on car insurance. Our agency specializes in getting you all the discounts that we have to offer.


We have multiple carriers that can get you competitive quotes in minutes for Salt Lake City. As well as advises you on what to insure and not to insure to avoid wasting your insurance premium dollars. 

Please see full coverage auto insurance coverages available for Salt Lake City drivers.



This covers fire, theft, wind, hail and hitting an animal. Typically is regarded as not at fault and doesn't effect rates.



What covers you when you hit another motorists vehicle or other fixed objects.


Liability - Per Accident

This is what covers your liability in the even of you causing an accident and injuring multiple people. This is the most the company will pay out to any liability to one accident. So if you injure multiple people this is what pays them out up to the allotted amount.


No Fault Coverage

Provides payment for medical bills and lost wages due to auto accident regardless of fault.


Liability - Bodily Injury

This is the first number in your liability coverage that is designed to cover liability as a result of you causing an accident. As the name suggests this covers bodily injury as well as lost wages, injuries, suffering and pain of the other drivers involved.




Also known as Under Insured Motorist liability. This pays out to you when you are involved in a car accident and the driver at fault doesn't have sufficient liability coverage to cover lost wages, injuries, pain and suffering.



Also known as Uninsured Motorist liability. This is what pays out when there is an accident and the at fault driver has no insurance. This coverage covers your injuries, loss wages, pain and suffering


Survivor Benefits

This is like a mini life insurance policy. In the even of the client passing away due to a car accident the insurance company pay's the allotted amount to the insured's family.


Road Side & Rental Reimbursement

RSA provides services for a set amount for tows, jump starts, unlocks and more.

Rental reimburse provides payment for a rental car for fix amount if insureds car is in the shop do to collision.

Salt Lake City History

Originally inhabited by the Shoshone, Paiute, Goshute and Ute Native American tribes. Founded officially on July 24 (Pioneer Day) 1847 by the pioneers. The early days saw the Salt Lake City area full of agriculture as that was a necessity for any young city to survive.  


Though suffering a late frost, drought and a plague of crickets they endured. By the way did you ever wonder why the Seagull was named the state bird? Record has it that during that plague of crickets, that nearly wiped out the harvest, flocks of seagulls appeared and consumed the crickets so that the settlers could salvage what they had to survive the winter.


When the settlers initially settled Salt Lake City it was still owned by Mexico and later next year Mexico ceded it to the United States through treaty. Through the years Salt Lake City grew during the Gold Rush, Civil War, the Transcontinental Railroad, WWI and WWII. The real big boom of popularity started when Salt Lake City hosted the 2002 Olympic Winter Games. Now it has well over 200,000 in population.

Blue Bridge Insurance Solutions logo.

Our favorite Salt Lake City attractions

If you want to experience Salt Lake City on the cheap I would recommend getting the connect pass. This gives you discounts when going to the Hogle Zoo, Clark Planetarium Dome & IMAX theater, Dreamscapes, Discovery Gateway: The Children's Museum, Museum of Natural Curiosity, Natural History Museum, Red Butte Garden, Butterfly Biosphere, Ashton Gardens and much much more.


I especially love the Red Butte Gardens in Salt Lake City just next to the University Campus because that is where I married my wife a few years ago. My kids are a big fan of the Hogle Zoo for obvious reason as they are big animal fanatics. I would say out of all the cities in the state Salt Lake City has a lot of attractions and has some of the best food places.


We especially like the Red Iguana in down town Salt Lake because it has the best Mexican food. My family goes also goes to the Clark Planetarium a lot to view their 3D science movies down at the Gateway Mall in down town Salt Lake. Seriously there is so much to do in Salt Lake its crazy!

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Auto insurance Salt Lake City

If you are in the market for car insurance and are serious about getting a competitive quote, live in Salt Lake City area, I would like to make a suggestion. Try calling a qualified auto insurance brokerage that is appointed by multiple carriers.


The reason for this is to save time and effort on your part. A broker, like myself, has access to multiple carriers that we can shop with and do all the hard work for you instantly. I would say every 3-5 years it is a good idea to shop around and see what your options are. Reason for the 3-5 years is because there is something called a CIF discount. CIF is just an abbreviation of Continued In Force.


Meaning the longer you have insurance with a current carrier the more of a discount a competing carrier will give you to earn business. Of course you can take the liberty of quoting yourself with multiple different carriers if you have the time and have your phone never stop ringing.


Another reason I would use a broker is because they are not tied to a particular company trying to make a quota. They are simply taking your needs and putting them out on the market and see which carrier gets you the best deal at the best price in Salt Lake City. 

Get cheap car insurance in salt lake city

This seems like a no brainer if someone is shopping around to purchase full coverage cheap auto insurance in Salt Lake City, but you would be surprised how many discounts don't get applied simply because you don't ask.


When it comes to the insurance it's no secret we are commission based. Which realistically means that sometimes agents want you to pay more because the more you pay the more they get paid.


So, make sure you're asking about all kinds of discounts such as Student discounts, good driving discounts, teachers discounts, military discounts, conviction free discounts, accident free discounts, low usage discounts, alcohol free household, good payer discount, continued info force discount and much more available for Salt Lake City drivers.


You can also download apps that track your driving and can drastically lower your rate if you are a good driver. The discounts applied to your policy usually show somewhere on the quote that is being sent to you.

Also make sure to ask if these discounts need to be reapplied annually so you are not surprised by a sudden increase in your bill for the mere fact someone forgot to put the discount on for your new term.


So if you feel like you are missing anything that could be applied, speak up! Why pay more when you do have to?

Average car insurance Salt Lake City UT

clients saving hundreds of dollars in car insurance Salt Lake City with our agency.
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