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#1 Car Insurance Broker in Utah

$50 or more a month in potential savings with our carriers

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What is Blue Bridge?

  • Online auto insurance brokerage in Utah that works for you.

  • We shop car insurance for You for free. 

  • Our licensed agents help navigate competitive quotes from only the best car insurance companies.

  • Putting a stop to the hassles of shopping on your own and let us handle the auto insurance comparisons for you.

Car insurance companies for any budget

Click the top rated insurance carrier below that interests you the most.

bmw sports sedan parked on top of an underground garage with white clouds overhead insured with Blue Bridge

Competitive auto insurance quotes tailored for you!

We specialize in many different carriers to ensure we are getting you the best online home & auto insurance rates in Utah without cutting coverages. If your driving record is clean or is less than perfect we can help get car insurance that doesn't break the bank. Reach out to us today!

Don't waste your time shopping car insurance yourself. We take your insurance needs and shop them with all of our top rated auto insurance carriers and only present to you the best option that fits your budget. We can do it all online.

Video Introduction to our online car insurance agency.

Below is a video of our agency owner explaining about Blue Bridge Insurance Solutions and about how our agency is the best source of how to get cheap car insurance all online from the comfort of your home.

Is your car insured properly?

greay audi sports car parked on a highway next to mountains with trees as the sun is setting insured with online car insurance provider Blue Bridge Insurace Solutions


Comprehensive insurance coverage

This covers fire, theft, wind, hail and hitting an animal. Typically is regarded as not at fault and doesn't effect rates.


Collision insurance coverage

What covers you when you hit another motorists vehicle or other fixed objects


Work loss coverage

This provides compensation if your needing to miss work due to injury related to an auto accident.


Personal injury protection

Provides payment for medical bills and lost wages due to auto accident regardless of fault.


Bodily injury liability

Looks something like 100K/300K/100K

1st 100K is payed per person basis

300K is payed per accident basis

last 100K is property damage payment. These numbers are what prevent you from getting sued in the event of an accident.



Underinsured motorist liability coverage

This is what pays out for injuries sustained in an accident if the other person doesn't have enough coverage


Uninsured motorist liability coverage

This is what pays out for injuries sustained in an accident if the other person doesn't have any coverage at all.


Survivor Benefits

In the event of your passing in an auto accident. Your family members receive a personal protection insurance benefit to pay for funeral costs, debts and other things.


RSA & Rental

RSA provides services for a set amount for tows, jump starts, unlocks and more.

Rental reimburse provides payment for a rental car for fix amount if insureds car is in the shop do to collision.

View our car insurance eligibility, discounts and coverages.

In the video below Adam explains about our quoting process.

The best part about using our car insurance brokerage is that we do all the work for you. Our agency wants to be as transparent as possible. We understand that we might not be for everyone and that's ok. Watch the video below to see if Blue Bridge is the agency you want working for you.

Why we started our own online car insurance agency

As an agent, I started off working for a captive insurance company 4 years ago in northern Utah where we were able to help a lot of Utah residents with their insurance needs.


However there was one problem our current insurance carrier that I was appointed with couldn't provide. It was insurance options & carriers. What do you do when your rates increase and you only have company that can insure you? You have to leave for a different company.


Essentially it was out of our agency's control if our rates went up or if our underwriting requirements changed and we lost clients as a result of this.


So we started Blue Bridge Insurance Solutions with those particular needs in mind. Now having multiple carriers who specialize in many different things we are to get the best auto quotes and help our clients in Utah save money and get even better coverage.


Through having so many options we now find ourselves in the position to truly know what it means to put the clients needs first and the money we make from commissions last.


We are not in the business of presenting never ending solicitation and headaches. Our agency has 2 philosophies. First, if we don't save you money, we don't make money. Second,  If we can't beat it, you should probably just keep it.


Don't work with a salesman, work with an agent who is going to ensure that you have peace of mind, that is available for you and has your best interests at heart. Did I mention that we can do it all online? Click here to reach out.

Getting car insurance quotes shouldn't be difficult

Tell me if this sounds familiar. You see a car insurance commercial either on YouTube, tv, Facebook or other media platforms promising that if you get a quote with them you will be able to save hundreds of dollars and it's a very simple and short process.


I mean who wouldn't want to save hundreds of dollars on their car insurance? So you reach out via one of the simple methods described and get a quote.


Then comes the never ending wave of phone calls, mailers, adds, emails and other solicitations. Would you want to shop insurance ever again? Probably not.


That's where we come in. I always say if you pay for car insurance but never use it then you are burning your money, however if you do use it the insurance company penalizes you by increasing your rate. So why should you pay more that you need to? You shouldn't.


As an insurance broker in Utah I know the residents here, I know the struggles, Hustle and challenges of being a Utah resident.


I went to junior high and high school in Utah. Even my wife also went to school in the Davis County school district. We love Utah and think it's the greatest state in the country.


The reason why we decided to open up here is to help hard working families like you save money month to month by not spending more on insurance needlessly. My quoting system is extremely easy and efficient. Literally, a 1 minute phone call with me can get you a competitive quote from multiple insurance carriers.


If you don't have time for a 1 minute phone call or to fill out a 30 second form then maybe I am not the right agent for you.


I am not a national insurance company or agency trying to pretend to be a local agent.


I don't have the time or resources that big corporations have to blow up phones, emails and stuff mailboxes to overflowing. The point I am trying to say is that I am local, your time matters to me but also my time is important as well and it is not in my interest to waste either. To get a quote click here.

Cities we serve

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